18 Month Checkup
August 19, 2011

Bailey had her 18 month checkup this past Wednesday. Supposedly, she’s normal, so now I’m wondering if she did get switched at the hospital (except for I can distinctly remember Johnny telling me he never took his eyes off her from her first breath til the exact moment that armband was in place!)*

Anyway, she got a shot and for the first time didn’t cry. She’s a whopping 27 pounds and 33″ (which think is actually a little short, but she wasn’t thrilled with the idea of laying down on some kind of medieval wooden squishing device that require a block at her feet and her head pressed up against the top board!)

And given her repeated trips for ear infections, Bailey is NOT a big fan of the doctor and normally cries the minute the doctor walks in the room. Today, she didn’t. Instead, the only crying was when we had to abandon the really cute dollhouse in the lobby. (which she and I decided we now need to convince Daddy she needs at home!!)

Here she is peaking out the windows clutching her faithful pig companion, Hambone:


*while I was writing this, Johnny finally got home from Starz practice at 8:45 mentioning Tristan needed to eat to to spend the night at Cameron’s. And that they probably already ate because, “THEY are normal, and God knows we aren’t!!” I got a private laugh out of this since I had just written this paragraph above! 😀